Debunking psychotic narcissism
First they straw man (like a repub), then saying their discordian group isn't discordian - but then proving narcissism by calling THEMSELVES the golden apple polisher.
Which admits they are a part of a discordian group, the lack of self-awareness is not only atypical of narcissists but is just hilarious.
Notice how I didn't use ad hominems or gaslight the entire time, the bad faith is literally all them as proven.
Using logic apparently offends those with massive egos who need a group to perform illogical autofellatio.
Internets dead so using phone ATM.
By participating in an organized GROUP, you are literally stating being apart of that group which calls itself discordian, this is a fallacy, by aligning yourself under a group called discordian, means you are discordian - if you are not this makes you a literal hippocrite, I apparently was too logical for them to understand their actions as a message.
Actions are statements, it's like joining a group of neo nazis and saying your not a nazi, then harassing someone for rightfuly calling you a hippocrite.
Calling someone hateful liar and manipulator, and then greed literally out of no-where? Is the literal definition of being hateful and harassment.
Gaslighting and accusing someone else of the hilarious hate filled egomaniac who is incapable of pointing out any flaws in study and only resorts to harassment… narcissistic autofellatio.