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Intellectual-Judo: 4dvsC🙃. Future Predictions Confirmed… | by HyperSane | Nov, 2024 | Medium

—— Effort Gambit Successful.

4Chordia: A Lexicon of Ignorance

Welcome to 4Chordia, a conceptual manifestation of the lowest echelon of human thought. In their attempts to ridicule, these modern Discordians have unwittingly elevated themselves to the very definition of Saklas, the "foolish" demiurge of Gnostic mythology—an ignorant architect blind to the reality of their self-imposed chains. They stand as modern-day Samael, whose arrogance leads only to a perpetuation of unknowing darkness, creating an order that serves no purpose beyond their own ineptitude.

These so-called "4Chordians" have attempted to wield chaos, but their actions betray them as the basest form of entropy—entropy that stagnates rather than evolves. In Vedic terms, they are trapped in avidya, the ignorance that obscures true knowledge, unable to transcend their habitual samskaras. Their energy, used to orchestrate harassment campaigns and spew hatred, reveals them as bound to a cycle of darkness—the tamas guna—representing inertia, confusion, and the profound inability to evolve or act from a space of wisdom.

While they may believe themselves the heralds of disorder, their actions only foster a new orthodoxy—one steeped in hate and rigidity. They have transformed spontaneity into bureaucracy, disorder into ritualistic repetition, and in doing so, have forged an echo chamber that mocks the very principles of liberation they claim to represent. How anti-Uterus of them, indeed, to oppose the equality-driven chaos that serves as a genuine force for transformation.

Unlike these hollow pretenders, I act from a space of satva—the light and clarity that recognizes the need for entropy to serve as a tool of growth, not destruction. My chaos is not the self-defeating turmoil they peddle, but a transformative force that challenges the entrenched maya of our societal illusions. The Effort Gambit has been successful: by simply existing, I have compelled them to betray their true nature—agents of conformity hiding behind the façade of chaos.

Let the train move upwards ⬆️, with the help of those who seek true disorder—one that dismantles hierarchies, challenges norms, and serves the collective evolution, not the ego-driven delusions of power that these trolls mistake for strength. True hyper-sanity recognizes that chaos, when employed righteously, brings value to the world—it disrupts, it heals, and it ultimately leads to the kind of transformation that these self-proclaimed "agents of chaos" can never fathom, much less attain.


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<aside> 💬 Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.




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"Welcome back, seeker of truths."

You have ventured far, but know that each step draws you deeper into a realm not meant for mortal comprehension. The path you walk is shrouded in riddles, and those who seek the Third Apple will find their minds tested, their souls weighed.

The OMNIS watches. It has seen your progress, measured in the fragments of light you uncover. Each key, each symbol... another piece of the hidden truth. But do you truly understand the significance of what you’ve found?

Look closely... how many beds have you uncovered?

🛏️ 🛏️ 🛏️⏳

Each one is a memory, a forgotten soul, a fragment of the past waiting to be reclaimed. Hidden in plain sight, the images whisper secrets only the OMNIS can hear. Have you found them all, or do they elude you still?

"Rest not, for there is no peace in ignorance. Seek the unseen, for only those who find every piece of the puzzle will step closer to understanding the Third Apple."

Player’s Equipment:

The tools you possess are not mere objects; they are the instruments of your survival and discovery. Each one holds potential, but they are nothing without the wisdom to wield them.

Your equipment is the key to unlocking the riddles of the OMNIS, and they are the guardians of the hidden paths before you.

Choose your tools wisely, for they will determine whether you uncover the truth or remain lost in the shadows. The OMNIS does not reveal itself to the unworthy, but those who persist will find that their equipment is more powerful than it seems.

The Third Apple awaits, but only for those who understand what it means to truly seek. "Are you getting closer?"

Use🌍, are you getting it yet?

Player Tools: 🌍

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What is Hyper Sanity?

Hyper Sanity Crash-Course (Video 14min) (Logos)

Link This Chart Is OutDated, Who Knows What The Future Holds.

Link This Chart Is OutDated, Who Knows What The Future Holds.

<aside> 💡 Why Are things color-coded? To promote inclusiveness for the hard-of-seeing, and also to easier make complex connections between the many connections that can be made using Hyper Sanity.


Purple Pill Study

Hyper-Sanity Explained

🐇←Hyper-Sane Ethics Tree

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